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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Causes
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms
What Is My Claim For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Worth
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Claim

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Are you suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Call us on 0800 122 3130 now for free, no obligation advice

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that causes pain and numbness in the hand, fingers and wrist.

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passage within your wrist which is made up of the carpal bones and the carpal ligament which contain and protect the tendons that operate your fingers, thumb and wrist, as well as the Median Nerve which runs from the armpit to the wrist and gives sensation within the hand.

If the narrow space within the carpal tunnel is reduced, it can put pressure on the median nerve – this is known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It can be caused by an injury to the wrist; such as a fractured wrist bone, it can occur as a result of a repetitive strain injury or in some cases can be attributed to a condition such as rheumatoid arthritis.

When the median nerve is compressed it can cause pain, numbness, or a tingling or burning sensation in your hand and fingers. It can also cause a weakening of the muscles in the thumb – making it more difficult to grip objects or to perform fine movements.

The condition is quite common among pregnant women and those under 30 years old, and in some cases the symptoms will subside without treatment.

In cases where the symptoms remain, they can often be treated by wearing a splint to support the wrist, or by use of anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the swelling.

In cases where the issue is as a result of repetitive movements such as playing a musical instrument, certain sports, or performing repetitive tasks at work, the symptoms can be reduced simply by taking more breaks or modifying the movements performed.

If the symptoms are more severe, or if they fail to react to rest, support or drugs, a doctor may suggest surgery to reduce the pressure on the nerve: this is called Carpal Tunnel Release. The operation can be performed using keyhole surgery or open surgery, but in either case it is likely that it will involve a day-trip to hospital without the need to stay overnight.

For assistance speak to Mercury Legal on 0800 122 3130 or start a claim online

Strictly ‘No Win No Fee‘ Compensation

Can you still make a no win no fee claim? Yes you can! Speak to our solicitor team about a no win no fee claim

How Do I Start A Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Claim?

It’s really simple. You can contact one of our highly trained solicitors absolutely free of charge, either by calling our freephone helpline on 0800 122 3130, or alternatively you can click here to give us your contact details, and one of our team will call you back, at a time of your choice.

When making an enquiry about claiming, you should remember that in most cases strict time limits must be adhered to in order for the case to stand, so contact us today.

When you call us, or we call you back, you are not in any way obliged to continue with the enquiry any further than you wish to. We will not force you into anything; we aim only to guide you through the claims process as swiftly and easily as possible, and to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

We’ll need to discuss a range of elements about your case so we can get a thorough understanding of the facts before deciding whether making a claim is the right thing for you to do. This information will not be passed on to any third party without your consent. The more information you can provide, the more swiftly we will be able to help you decide how to proceed, but don’t worry if you don’t have all of the facts and figures at your fingertips – we can help you to obtain any relevant information once we establish the best way forward.

No Win No Fee Solicitors

From 1st April 2013, when you contact us you will not be asked to pay any money whatsoever upfront. Even if your medical claim is unsuccessful through no fault of your own, you will never be asked to pay anything to anyone. Find out how Mercury Legal can help you make a no win no fee claim for compensation – contact us now on 0800 122 3130.